Melbourne PBC Special Expo competition

Terms & Conditions of Entry

Cell Care - Win a cord blood and tissue storage competition 2019
Melbourne PBC Special Expo

1. “Cell Care” means Cell Care Australia Pty Ltd (ACN 110 312 537).
2. “Winner” means the entrant drawn at random (Prize Draw) to receive the Prize pursuant to these Terms & Conditions along with the Terms & Conditions contained in Cell Care’s Banking Agreement and Client Agreement. These Agreements can be found here.
3. “Prize” means a cord blood and cord tissue collection and twenty-five years’ storage of that cord blood and cord tissue with Cell Care pursuant with the Terms & Conditions pursuant in Cell Care’s Banking Agreement and Client Agreement.
4. The retail value of the Prize during the expo is $5,450.
5. The Prize is non-transferable.
6. The Prize is valid for redemption for up to 3 years from the date of the prize draw in accordance with these Terms & Conditions.
7. The Winner must be birthing in the state that the Expo is occurring.
8. In the event an obstetrician cannot perform the collection, Cell Care will use reasonable endeavors to provide a collector to carry out the collection.
9. The Winner agrees and accepts that collection of cord blood is subject to many variables related to child birth and circumstances may occur in which a collection does not occur. In the event of a non-collection for any reason whatsoever, the Winner releases Cell Care, any related entities of Cell Care, and any employees, agents or servants of such entities from any and all liability including any claim for damages, losses, costs or expenses arising from or in any way related to the non-collection including consequential and indirect losses.
10. In the event of a non-collection, the Winner will be entitled to redeem the Prize at a later date within the 3 year period as set out in clause 6 of these Terms & Conditions.
11. Entry into the Prize Draw is deemed to be acceptance of these Terms & Conditions.
12. The competition will be conducted by Cell Care, PO Box 833, Moorabbin, Vic 3189. Contact telephone 1800 071 075.
13. Entry is open to all Australian residents.
14. Entry is free.
15. Three entries are allowed per person, one entry is permitted by completing the early entry competition entry form and one by entering at the Cell Care Stand at the expo and one via the post show email process.
16. Cell Care reserves the right to disqualify any person who exceeds the entry limit.
17. Instant disqualification will apply to any person who is considered by Cell Care, in its absolute discretion, to be abusing these Terms & Conditions of Entry or the spirit of the promotion in any way.
18. Entrants must be over the age of 18.
19. To enter the Prize Draw, entrants must provide valid contact details.
20. Those entrants, who provide valid contact details, as specified in these Terms & Conditions, will be automatically entered into the Prize Draw.
21. Entry to the Melbourne PBC Special Expo Prize Draw without completing the Melbourne PBC Special Expo Prize Draw entry form is not permitted.
22. The competition commences Monday 18th February 2019 and concludes at 4pm AEDT on March 5th, 2019.
23. The random Prize Draw will take place at 42 Corporate Drive, Heatherton, Vic 3202 at 4pm AEDT on March 5th, 2019.
24. A single entry will be randomly drawn for the Prize and the Winner will be notified by mail and telephone within seven (7) days.
25. Cell Care reserve the right to verify the validity of entries and to disqualify any entry which, in the opinion of Cell Care, includes false, fraudulent, misleading, or deceptive information or identity details.
26. Cell Care reserve the right to disqualify any entrant who tampers with the entry process, or who submits an entry that is not in accordance with these Terms & Conditions of Entry.

27. There will be one (1) Winner in total. The winner will be selected at random as follows:

  • A list of all entries will be collated in an excel sheet
  • A random name from this list will be generated using the random name generator formula in excel

28. The Winner will be announced via email to all competition entrants, on our competition page, and on our Facebook page at ( by 5pm AEDT Wednesday 6th March 2019 subject to the winner being contactable by Cell Care.
29. By entering this competition, entrants accept and acknowledge full responsibility for their decision to participate in the Prize Draw. Entrants release the Promoter and the Promoters related affiliates, officers, agents and employees, from all liabilities, loss and damage of any kind arising at any time out of or in connection with the acceptance of, and participation in, the competition or receipt and use of any Prizes.
30. By entering this competition entrants accept and acknowledge that a Cell Care representative will contact them and discuss cord blood and cord tissue storage.
31. All personal information received as part of the promotion will be treated in accordance with Cell Care’s privacy statement available at